Dr. Domani Pothen
Area Evangelist/ Wenatchee Bible Study Leader/ Assistant Pastor
Since the Pastors are not able to be in each church every Sunday, a team of dedicated ministers assist them. On this team is Rev. Domani Pothen who helps bear the torch of the Word in Portland. She is also an English professor at a local university in Portland. In addition to teaching on Wednesday night at the church, she oversees semi-monthly Bible Studies at local homes.
Ministros Heber y Tomasa Miguel
Assistant Pastors for Vancouver/ Outreach Program Directors
Los Diácono Heber y Tomasa han estado con la Iglesia del Evangelio de Cristo de Portland durante años, bajo el liderazgo del Rev. Pastor Herman y Tonja McGriff . El ministerio que Dios ha ungido de ser el mayor en el Departamento de Extensión hispana. Este Departamento es la Extensión y es un gran privilegio en el cumplimiento de diferentes personas de todo el mundo. Su objetivo y el deseo para el Departamento de Extensión es salir y ser una luz que brillante en la oscuridad, y de llevar las almas a Cristo.
Ministers Peter and Jessica Dore
In Training to be Assistant Pastors/ Church Operations
Peter and Jessica Dore carry the joint responsibilities of preserving order in the House of God, acting as eyes and ears for the Pastors and caring for the Saints with whom the Lord has blessed us. Both alternate teaching a bi-weekly Foundational Studies class on Sundays after the service. Peter plays guitar in the worship band. They reside in Portland with their three adorable children.
Brother Jared and Sister Holly Miller
Worship Leading / Youth Ministry
Jared is currently a high school English teacher and originally from California. He moved to Portland, Oregon in 2007 for college, during which time he met his wife. Holly has grown up in Portland and works as a nurse. She leads worship and plays piano and together, the Millers serve as the Youth Ministers. Jared also manages the church Facebook Page.
Brother Beau and Sister Gina Neal
CGCNWCM Board Members
Brother Willie and Sister Sandi Figueroa
Young Married Couples Leaders/ Sunday School Superintendent Portland
The Figueroas serve The Lord and the church teaching the “Young Marrieds” group. They also act as Sunday School Superintendents.